Saturday 27 August 2016

Titchwell 25/08/2016

OK now onto Titchwell (25/08/2016). This is probably my least favourite of the two reserves, and I'm thinking of changing reserves when I head back up to Norfolk, maybe to Holme Dunes.


The best part of the reserve was the Freshwater Marsh. It was fairly busy with waders and wildfowl, pretty much like Cley. The most interesting species were the SPOONBILL roosting on the reserve, of which I counted 12. They were present right at the back of the scrape, so were unable to be photographed, or see without a telescope. Waders such as GODWIT, RUFF, DUNLIN, AVOCET and RINGED PLOVER were all present.


 Also here was a YELLOW WAGTAIL, a hard bird to find nowadays.


The path which stretches from the car park to the sea passes the Fresh March, past several tidal polls, until it reaches the beach. From here I could see SANDERLING and KNOT on the water's edge.
Out at sea was the same as Cley. the exception was an ARCTIC SKUA heading west, mobbing a tern for a while before carrying on its journey.
Down on Patsy's pool was an eclipse GARGANEY amongst the teal.

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