Thursday 1 December 2016

Goosander at Christchurch Park 1/12/2016

Today I again had an hour or two to in Ipswich and where else to spend it than that great green lung that is Christchurch Park. Centre of any visit is the wilderness pond - this glorified duck pond occasionally pulls off something interesting.

Usually the haunt of mallards, moorhens and mandarins a check around midday allowed me to spot a GOOSANDER flying around at the height of the tree tops. it didn't alight but eventually flew off. GOSANDERS visit most years, but are fairly uncommon in Suffolk as there aren't many gravel pits or reservoirs around which are their usual haunts in lowland England.

A LITTLE GREBE has been present there as well for a couple of months, they're not particularly common in Ipswich.
I checked on Mable the owl but she wasn't about in the usual tree.

There are lost of interesting ancient trees in Christchurch Park. This one looks like it has lost souls swirling around underneath the bark.

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