Thursday 29 June 2017

Barham Pits - 29/6/2017

Nothing really much to add, everything, everywhere is quiet, in one of the most disappointing Junes I can remember. There was little about, except a new GREBE family which had recently hatched.

The GREBE chicks like to take a ride on their parent's back
The other GREBE family seem to have abandoned their nest, for some reason. So far of the five breeding pairs present, only one bird has fledged.
A pair of COOT were also about but don't seem to have raised any young. An influx of around 40 CANADA GEESE was noticeable, as there were so few water birds about.
A KINGFISHER on Pit A, it was calling as it flew across the water and was answered by another bird, so a family might be present. There were lots and lots of small  birds about, mainly TITS, BLACKCAPS and CHIFFCHAFFS. There was a GREY WAGTAIL present on the path between the two pits. The BLUE TIT I have pictured seemed to have taken comfort in this little hole in the railway bridge and wouldn't come out.

There were lots of flowers about, PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE, MEADOWSWEET, COMFREY, were the most common, with WATERLILLIES growing in the water.

PYRIMIDAL ORCHIDS were present in a small corner of land,  with four being present in total. They flower in this area in small numbers every year.

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