Friday 30 June 2017

PEREGRINE FALCON - Ipswich waterfront - 30/6/2017

Ok, so in my last post I might have mentioned that this was a disappointing June, but now I've been proven wrong. For on the very urban waterfront, near the heart of town I spied two PEREGRINE FALCONS flying high up in the sky, level with the tops of the tower blocks.
A flock of PIGEONS flew around in alarm, until I noticed two larger birds in amongst them - PEREGRINES. The larger of the two, which seemed to be the adult, dive-bombed and caught a pigeon in mid-air and brought it over to the smaller, juvenile one. It attempted an aerial pass of the prey, but the juvenile dropped it in the river, where it was unable to collect it. This didn't stop the juvenile to keep pestering the adult for more food, in a very whiney way that was loud even to me at street level. They flew around for a while before disappearing over the buildings. The local OYSTERCATCHERS were very vocal in their dislike of the falcons, piping away until the falcons had left, one stayed perched to the top of one of the old dilapidated buildings. It was a great sighting for Ipswich, although I didn't have either bins or a camera, as I was in town. Instead I had to rely on my normal vision.
The area where I saw them was around the Wine Rack near the waterfront entrance, the empty skeleton of a building that looms above the people below, a great eye sore.

Ipswich waterfront -  the Wine Rack is the middle - unfinished - tower block

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