Tuesday 21 May 2019

Environmental Vandalism - Orchid Destruction

PYRAMID ORCHID taken last year

The local farmland to where I live doesn't have much going for it, nature-wise. A small colony of PYRAMID ORCHID was one of the high lights, tucked away in a bit of set aside, safe, you would think, from any farming need . Last Monday, 20 May, I visited the local patch, to check if any had started to appear. Imagine my shock to find the small area of grassland where they grow had been cut back, essentially before the plants could flower and seed, in effect killing the colony. There was no need for this, it had no agricultural benefit. This was environmental vandalism, destruction of wildlife for the sake of it. All the farmer had to do was to wait two more months for the plants to flower and seed, but no they had to cut in May. It makes me sick that we have no control over what these land owners do to our countryside, abusive custodians who get away with murder. Hopefully with this Brexit deal they wanted so much, they'll lose all their money, their subsidies, and will be forced to abandon the fields and let nature take back control.

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